About BrainStim TMS – USA

Leadership Team

chris Shepard

As Co-Founder and CEO of BrainStim TMS Clinics, Chris Shepard has over 18 years of medical experience managing surgical device programs across the Midwest. His passion and drive to improve the lives of patients and their families has allowed him to help build world recognized programs in Michigan and throughout the Midwest. Some of the companies include Stryker Orthopaedics, Medtronic and da Vinci Robotics (Intuitive Surgical).

Key components to his success was fear of failure, having great mentors and being a college basketball athlete. Chris combined his business accumen with the philosophy of training athletes when training his surgeons. This training philosophy included procedure simulation and procedure video review sessions. Two additional components to building and growing robust programs included patient education and referring physician education. This led to developing unique marketing pieces, social media campaigns and patient/referring physician events to drive awareness.

The motivation for starting BrainStim TMS Clinics came from growing up in a single parent home with a mother who struggled with bipolar and major depression. Having lived the roller coaster of emotions and being a foster child while his mother received help, he knows first hand how mental health and depression affects individuals and families.-When he discovered TMS, he was very compelled with the clinical data and efficacy, but was extremely discouraged to find out that the adoption in Michigan and the Midwest was extremely low. After talking to several psychiatrists, many shared the barriers preventing them from starting their own programs. Chris knew that he could help remove the roadblocks with his previous experience and internal drive to help others like his mom and the families affected, BrainStim TMS clinics was founded to help patients and families have access to this life-changing technology.

Our Treatments

Our treatments have proven to be effective for patients who have had unsuccessful experiences treating depression and other psychiatric disorders. TMS therapy is approved by the FDA, has no long-term side effects, lasts for only 4 to 7 weeks, and does not require patients to recover after each session, meaning you can resume your normal schedule without interruption.

For the most effective results, TMS Therapy should be considered as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that also includes participating in the recommended guidelines for:
Objective Scientific Assessment
Talk Therapy

Medications (as indicated by your prescribing physician) – by maintaining medication stability any medication changes should be communicated to your treatment coordinator during treatment as soon as possible.

covered by most insurance plans

you are not alone

If you are one of the 16 million Americans who suffer from Major Depression and antidepressants are not working or you have intolerable side effects, there is hope. Over 2.5 million patients have been successfully treated with TMS.Click below to schedule your free consultation and find out if TMS Therapy is right for you.


See Studies & Read More About TMS Therapy Benefits


VA-Approved TMS Therapy for Active Duty & Veterans


Interested in becoming a TMS provider, or have patients you want to refer?

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Our passion of TMS therapy has inspired us to work diligently to provide a new alternative mental health solution. We strive to bring quality care, innovative treatment in TMS, and mental health awareness to your community.